Université du Québec à Montréal

The Université du Québec à Montréal is a French-language public university based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It is the largest constituent element of the Université du Québec system.

UQAM was founded on April 9, 1969, by the government of Quebec, through the merger of the École des beaux-arts de Montréal, a fine arts school; the Collège Sainte-Marie, a classical college; and a number of smaller schools. Although part of the UQ network, UQAM possesses a relative independence which allows it to print its own diplomas and choose its rector.

In the fall of 2018, the university welcomed some 40,738 students, including 3,859 international students from 95 countries, in a total of 310 distinct programs of study,[4] managed by six faculties (Arts, Education, Communication, Political Science and Law, Science and Social science) and one school (Management). It offers Bachelors, Masters, and Doctoral degrees. It is one of Montreal’s two French-language universities, along with the Université de Montréal, and only 1% of its student population is of English-speaking origin.



UQAM Président-Kennedy building, Montreal.
  • Faculté des arts (Faculty of Arts)
  • Faculté des sciences de l’éducation (Faculty of Education)
  • Faculté de communication (Faculty of Communication)
  • Faculté de science politique et de droit (Faculty of Political Science and Law)
  • Faculté des sciences (Faculty of Sciences)
  • École des sciences de la gestion (UQAM School of Management Sciences)
  • Faculté des sciences humaines (Faculty of Social Sciences)

Schools and Institutes

Interior of the Judith Jasmin building
  • École supérieure de mode de Montréal (Montreal Graduate School of Fashion Design)
  • Institut de recherches et d’études féministes (Institute of Feminist Studies)
  • Institut des sciences cognitives (Institute of Cognitive Sciences)
  • Institut des sciences de l’environnement (Institute of Environmental Sciences)
  • Institut d’études internationales de Montréal (Montreal Institute of International Studies)
  • Institut Santé et société (Health and Society Institute)
  • École supérieure de théâtre (Graduate School of Theatre)
  • École des langues (Language School)
  • École de travail social (School of Social Work)
  • École des arts visuels et médiatiques (School of Visual Arts and Media)
  • Institut du patrimoine (Heritage Institute)
  • International Research Group on Animal Law

The university is represented in Canadian Interuniversity Sport by the UQAM Citadins.

Distance and Online Learning

UQAM is part of the Université du Québec network, which has a distance learning component called Télé-université (Teluq). It offers courses and degrees in computer science, education, communication, environmental science, and management. University of Québec has improved geographical accessibility through multiple campuses spread throughout the province and by offering distance education by Télé-Université.