Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts

Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA);  is a publicly-funded post-secondary arts institution, planned to be a university of the arts by 2023 in alliance with LASALLE College of the Arts in Singapore.

NAFA offers courses at the secondary diploma and bachelor’s degree levels. The NAFA diploma programmes provides comprehensive arts and design education appropriate of Singapore’s polytechnic-level for students who had successfully completed their secondary school education, which is 10 years of studies in Singapore.[5] As an industry-oriented alternative to a broader-based junior college education in Singapore, NAFA graduates in Singapore are sought after for work or many continue to complete university degrees. In contrast to polytechnics in the United States and United Kingdom, NAFA in Singapore admit the majority of their students after secondary school, normally at the age of 16–17, which is after ten years of formal education, similar to the other polytechnics in Singapore. Diplomas in a specialised area of study, for example 3D Design, are awarded after completing 3-years of full-time studies and industry internship.

Demand for its programmes has remained strong, and the school projects a student population of 3,300 by 2024. NAFA offers full-time diploma and degree programmes across three schools: across three schools: the School of Art & Design comprising 3D design, design & media, fashion studies, and fine art programmes, the School of Music, and the School of Arts Management, Dance & Theatre.

Since 1999, NAFA has received polytechnic-level funding from Singapore’s Ministry of Education. In 2011, NAFA became the first comprehensive arts education institution in Singapore to be awarded the four-year EduTrust certificate from the Council for Private Education (now known as the Committee for Private Education). It received its third four-year certification in 2019. The institution also offers a full range of government tuition fees subsidised, 2 to 3-years undergraduate degree programmes for NAFA’s diploma graduates in partnership with the prestigious University of the Arts London in England, United Kingdom. Students with GCE A-level certificates as well as those without a relevant Singapore’s polytechnic diplomas will be allowed to enrol in NAFA-UAL’s degree programmes for the first time. NAFA also has a partnership with the Royal College of Music (RCM) for its bachelor of music programme.

NAFA has nurtured 13 recipients of the Cultural Medallion – Singapore’s highest accolade bestowed on art practitioners who have significantly impacted arts and culture. Another 14 alumni have been presented the Young Artist Award.