Laurentian University

Laurentian University is a mid-sized bilingual public university in Greater Sudbury, Ontario, Canada, incorporated on March 28, 1960. Laurentian offers a variety of undergraduate, graduate-level, and doctorate degrees. Laurentian is the largest bilingual provider of distance education in Canada.

The university programs specialize in many fields, including arts, social sciences, technology, natural sciences, engineering, mining, geophysics, health, business management, finance, and forensics.

Despite claiming to have run balanced budgets in eight of the previous nine years, on 1 February 2021, Laurentian University filed suddenly for creditor protection. As part of its restructuring, on 12 April 2021 Laurentian University announced the closure of 58 undergraduate programs and 11 graduate programs spanning a diversity of subjects. As part of these closures, some 200 faculty and staff positions were terminated. The university continues to offer 107 undergraduate programs and 33 graduate programs.


The university’s campus is located on the south side of Ramsey Lake in the Bell Grove neighbourhood, just south of Greater Sudbury’s downtown core. The city’s Idylwylde golf course borders on the university campus to the west and the Lake Laurentian Conservation Area borders on the campus to the south.[12] The Lake Laurentian Conservation Area contains a network of trails used for running, mountain biking and nordic skiing.

The school has two separate student unions (in addition to the graduate student association). The Francophone Students Association (AEF) is for francophones, while the Students General Association (SGA) is for both anglophones and francophones.