The Aranmore Catholic College is a co-educational school for ages 7-12, located in Leederville in Perth, Western Australia.
Aranmore Catholic College provides a strong educational foundation for all its students both academically, physically and spiritually. Students in Years 7, 8 & 9 receive an in-depth education across all of the Learning Areas. The emphasis is on building important learning skills and preparing students for Senior School.
Year 11 and Year 12 students choose subjects to study from a diverse list available at the College. All students study Religion & Life, English/English as an additional Language or Dialect and Mathematics.
Students will then be able to choose 3 other subjects based on their Post school destinations. Aranmore also offers an extensive Vocational and Education program in which students mix traditional schooling, Work Experience and formal study at a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Students on this pathway can earn Certificate I, II or III. Unique to Aranmore is the Onsite workplace learning program.
The College also provides a number of international students with support in English through the IEC (Intensive English Centre)and EALD program. Aboriginal students are supported by dedicated staff from the Aboriginal Students Program.
A particular pride of the Aranmore community is their highly respected music, netball and rugby specialist programs.